Q&A: How Biden Can Be Replaced as the Democratic Nominee

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

how to destress after a hard day of work

This could be a holiday, your comfy armchair at home, or even curling up with your pet. Even the act of recalling a distant, peaceful memory can help relieve tension and stress. Stress manifests itself differently in each of us, so it may be worth reading up on stress and how to manage it effectively. The simple act of understanding how you feel, and how to cope, can provide welcome relief. You don’t need to have a mental health condition to try therapy. Feeling overwhelmed at work is a valid reason to seek additional help and support.

Stop Hoping to Succeed in the Future, and Start Failing Today

Spend time with family or friends, sharing experiences and enjoying laughter together to enhance your mood and create a supportive environment to unwind after work. Just a few minutes of sitting quietly to focus on your breath, or using a guided meditation, can help calm your mind. Unwinding after work can help you leave behind the stresses of the workday and relax. Let these tips help you create rituals that support your transition from the pressures of work to relaxation. Many people who are unable to leave work at work have sleep difficulties because they are replaying everything in their mind and their mind is not able to shut off enough to go to sleep. If worry about work is interfering with your relaxation or sleep time, considering doing a “brain dump,” or writing a to-do list or worry log as part of your bedtime or relaxation routine.

ways to get your cortisol levels down

That’s why the less active we are, the more challenged we are when dealing with physical and emotional stress. If your week has left you feeling overwhelmed and run down, give yourself the gift of a good night’s sleep. Foam rolling adds pressure to those trigger points, signaling your body to increase blood flow to that area and for your muscle to relax.

  • There are many reasons we do this, but there are more important reasons why we can and should learn to stop.
  • We’re not suggesting you annoy others by altering the rate at which you speak.
  • Hence, dealing with mental stress after work is just as important as physical relaxation.
  • Inhaling essential oils may help calm the mind in times of stress, anxiety, and insomnia.
  • Working on your time management skills, taking time to recharge, becoming aware of how events affect you, and relying on a support network may help you manage job-related stress.

Focus on your breathing

how to destress after a hard day of work

Studies have shown that regular social media usage can have a negative impact on an individual’s wellbeing, so a simple fix is to limit your time on social media when how to destress after work at work. For most of our day, we don’t think about breathing – our body breathes for us. For more, follow guided breathing techniques in the Calmer Community.

  • That’s one round, which is enough for me on most days, but you can do more.
  • Keep in touch with trusted friends and family to help cope with stressful work situations.
  • If you start becoming aware of how you feel, you may find yourself emotionally exhausted and pessimistic by the end of some days.
  • For example, if you have a load of laundry, use each washing and drying load to time your breaks.
  • Clearly, the less time we can spend complaining about work, the more time we’ll have focused on things that make us happy.

Can exercise really help me unwind after work?

Inhaling essential oils may help calm the mind in times of stress, anxiety, and insomnia. This popular technique, also known as aromatherapy, focuses on using scents to holistically balance your physical, emotional, and psychological health. If you were sleepy in the first place, the lack of sleep can make it harder to manage stress. By anticipating your stressors, practicing relaxation techniques, and managing your time, you can decrease some of the pressures that make you feel stressed out at work. The Calm app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life. The same helpful “fight-or-flight” instincts we get from these small stressful events in our life can backfire on us if we don’t take time to relax.

Go for a Walk in Nature

  • During your workday, that might look like walking to work, eating lunch outdoors, or spending time at the park after work.
  • While it may be common knowledge that work often causes stress, the ways to relieve that stress are less well known.
  • We’re all different, and enjoy different experiences, so give a few of these a go the next time you’re feeling stressed.
  • To cut down on after-hours troubleshooting, prepare a to-do list for yourself when you get back the next day.
  • Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you sleep, you still feel exhausted and on the path to burnout.

Apps such as One Deep Breath, Headspace, and Atom use multiple techniques to help you reach a calmer mental state. One Deep Breath is an app that uses unique breathing patterns for managing stress. Headspace, on the other hand, uses calming sounds and guided sessions for relaxation. Hence, dealing with mental stress after work is just as important as physical relaxation.

A simple routine can help lower your cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate. Taking a break can allow our minds and bodies to rest and recover from the day’s stresses. When we don’t unwind, stress can accumulate, leading to burnout, which is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. One of the first and best ways you can leave job stress on the job is to prepare yourself before you leave. To cut down on after-hours troubleshooting, prepare a to-do list for yourself when you get back the next day. This can allow you to come in and feel focused, and it can allow you to leave and feel that things are taken care of as much as they can be until tomorrow.

how to destress after a hard day of work

You can do this in five minutes with a few stretching exercises – Man Flow Yoga has an excellent YouTube video. You’ll feel crystal clear and energized, almost like a rebirth – far from any stress and worries. That’s one round, which is enough for me on most days, but you can do more.

  • Consider writing a list of all the things that typically cause you a great deal of stress at work.
  • Sleep Stories in the app has several tracks narrated by well-known celebrities.
  • If it’s tied to a more long-term problem you can’t immediately solve, try another one of the quick relaxer tips below.

Cultivate Mindfulness

how to destress after a hard day of work

Sometimes stress can manifest into physical symptoms, like temporary hives, one-day headaches, or long-term weight gain. In this case, you might want to explore time management https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/does-alcohol-dehydrate-you/ practices that could lead you to feel more in control. For example, you can focus on your breath for 1 minute and then mentally repeat a positive affirmation for 3 minutes.

how to destress after a hard day of work


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